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Sponsorship Opportunity to Benefit the Youth --

Would You Like to Help?​

Professional Athlete & Author, Taneka Rubin wants to get this life-changing book to as many youth as possible--FREE of charge!!


So, hopefully, you'll say yes.


The Winners Win Youth Sponsorship Program --

…allows young people from diverse backgrounds and different walks of life to receive the book, Winners Win for FREE.


Winners Win teaches people how to tap into their God-given purpose and live the life they were created to live. The book has touched many people since it was released in March 2020.



Let me tell you about Taneka--

…She's a professional basketball player overseas, an author, and a youth mentor…


Taneka always knew what she wanted in life -- to be a professional basketball player overseas. Yet, she acknowledges that throughout her life she didn't always make the best decisions. Some of those decisions nearly cost her the dreams she worked so hard to accomplish.


In Winners Win, she shares some of the most significant experiences of her transformation from a troubled childhood to becoming a professional athlete.


Her life is a story of redemption and triumph, but most importantly it’s a testimony of what can happen with a life submitted to Christ.

Taneka holding book.jpg
Why Taneka Started the Program:

When not playing basketball, Taneka enjoys using wisdom from her life's experiences to inspire and empower the next generation. She works with youth in various capacities, as a trainer and youth mentor.


In previous years, she's worked as an assistant basketball coach to a girls' varsity team, a coach for the girls' basketball team at a summer camp, and a head coach for a high school girls' JV team.


Like many people, Taneka's life has been filled with twists, turns, and moments of uncertainty. Those situations could have destroyed her future. Taneka wants other young people to know that just as it happened for her, they too are capable of unleashing the Life Winner within.


This program will empower young people who may not have the ability or opportunity to purchase Taneka's book.

Benefits to the Readers:

Anyone who reads the book would benefit from her shared wisdom while learning to tap into their God-given purpose.


Young people, specifically ages 15 - 22, struggle to walk free of the situations they face as they prepare to enter into adulthood. For those in high school to graduating from college, this book could help guide them in the right direction.


They will discover:

  • There's a winner within and will evaluate who they are as individuals.

  • They can use their words to communicate and create the life they want.

  • There's an ultimate turning point for their lives when they hit that point, their lives will never be the same.

  • It's not where they start, it's where they finish. They can abandon their old self to become a Life Winner.

  • And ultimately, they will be encouraged to wake up and realize they have greatness within.



Benefits to the Givers:

Besides the obvious -- that of helping young people!!


Anyone who chose to be a sponsor will receive recognition from Taneka and her business partners on their Instagram pages.

How you can Help:

Decide to purchase 2 - 10 books. If you have people to gift them books, then please do. Share the details with Taneka, reviews from the readers are encouraged, if possible.


If you agree to be a sponsor and do not have youth to gift to, simply add a note when you checkout. You will be contacted to discuss the details. Taneka has worked with coaches, parents, youth, and other influencers to compile an extensive list of young people who would benefit from reading the book.


The book(s) will be distributed with a note that it was sponsored to them. They will be asked to provide a review of the book and acknowledgement of the gift.


Join the other adults who have already gifted the book to young people since the release in March 2020.


On the website, there are 2 paperback book options. You decide which you'd like to purchase. The books will be mailed directly to the youth.




Reviews from Youth Who Have Read the Book.

(These young people were not a part of the sponsorship program. They purchased and read the books.)


This book will bless you beyond expectation! The authenticity of the authors life and lessons taught is what impacted me most. This book will transform you from being an average person into a game changer! I will be on the lookout for the next books released by this author. Truly blessed!

          --Amazon 5-star rating


Loved this book. So inspirational and authentic truth within the author. I highly recommend this book to anyone that is looking for a positive outlook on their life as well as motivation to do great with their God-given talent.

          --Amazon 5-star rating



P.S. This burden Taneka has to empower young people with this resource will enhance their knowledge. And hopefully, give them the courage needed to live as Life Winners. Your commitment to sponsor 2 - 10 or even more youth will go a long way to helping Taneka accomplish this worthwhile goal. Click here to make your purchase today.


Join our growing list of sponsors.




To our sponsors, we appreciate your dedication and commitment of sharing this valuable resource with young people.









































Thank you for your commitment to this cause.


Contact Taneka Rubin





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Youth Sponsorship_Kenric and Schandalett
Youth Sponsorship_Shanika Lewis_Taneka R
Youth Sponsorship_Michael E Harris_Tanek
Youth Sponsorship_Dr. Ish and Beatriz Be
Youth Sponsorship_Louise Smith_Taneka Ru
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